Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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Game Review: Meepit Juice Break

Why review this game of all the games in the world of Neopia?

by gritely
Lord Darigan Deserves Justice!

Why has Lord Darigan been placed in the Gallery of Evil?

by oozemutt1982
Interview with the Hungry Meerca

How does he do it? The ability to eat dozens of neggs in one minute is quite an appetite. That's why I decided to interview the hungry Meerca from the new game "Meerca Chase II".

by samschelfhout2
Boycott the Tongue Shrinkers!

They are nightmares for everyone in Neopia. These villainous ‘THINGS’ may appear harmless, but they are NOTHING of the sort.

by kikik312
Observations of the Wild Tigermouse

Without warning, I hear a sound, scritch, scratch, scritch, scratch! My eyes open just in time to see a red blur flash across my living room floor.

by resurrectedwarrior
Six Steps To Impress King Skarl

He sits upon his throne, looking down on all of his people. He is known as the Grumpy Old King, which is only a fraction of what he really is.

by 101monica101
Hidden Treasures: Meri Acres Farm

It’s GDP may be a mere 250,000 NP, and it’s way of life may seem dreary compared to the fast-paced lives of the Neopian businessperson, but that’s no reason to overlook this peaceful parcel of countryside.

by blackcairn
Extreme Devaluation of the Neopoint

If I told you I was going to give you something worth one million Neopoints right now, what would you pick: pure Neopoints, an item worth one million, or one million in various stocks?

by sensei_fuzzy
A Beginner’s Guide to a Carnival Like No Other

It has been a long time since we had seen a Carnival of Terror game guide here in the Times. Today I revisit the past and bring to you a brand new, updated guide to play this not-so-new game that is tucked in the far corner...

by scarletrhapsody
Gadgadsbogen Get Away?

So where do you go to get away from the party? The very opposite end of the world of course.

by jjbeard926
Neopia: Enter the Ninjas!

One may wonder if they’re fighting for good, truth, Christmas and puppies or for their own evil deeds that will lead to Neopia’s destruction. But most Neopians forget that there has already been a ninja among us for a long time...

by gloss_frozen
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"Ashes" by ikkin_with_attitude
I am not, as I may seem to be from what I have said, dead. I am not a ghost, though I lack life like one...

Other Stories


My life was nothing but a consuming flame; all I have left is destruction and regret - ashes. And from the realm that I am trapped in, there is to be no second chance.

by ikkin_with_attitude


Armin: Finds Hope
"That's very strange, I had a dream about a beast that made me feel cold too; you must be right about it meaning something."

by hottamale0774


Double Agent: Part Two
Keep it simple, amateur, Double Agent thought, since she knew how to speak of truth and lies.

by cruzerchic123


Shayret's Adventure: A Mystery in Meridell - Part Two
"My orders are to keep you here until I get further instruction."

by rc81590


Virtu Agents
"The Briefing"

by agentsaepenon


Grundo Stix
"Sloth's Laundry"

by anikajinn

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