Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I try to turn away from myself, revolted by my own behavior, by my own thoughts, but I cannot. These wisps of memory, of regret, are all I have-there truly is nowhere I can hide. So I am forced back into the darkest regions of my own mind...

Gadgadsbogened Out

See for the fructose intolerant or the just plain grumpy, Gadgadsbogen is not a time to celebrate; it’s a time to hide out. Gadgadsbogen in fact can be a nightmare for some who want nothing to do with the celebrating and the overdose of fruit induced sugar crazies...

For What It's Worth

If I told you I was going to give you something worth one million Neopoints right now, what would you pick: pure Neopoints, an item worth one million, or one million in various stocks? If you had to leave Neopia for the next two years, what would you pick?

Entertaining the King

King Skarl calls upon all of Neopia to come to his castle to tell him their best joke. He rates the jokes, for what reason I am not sure. Sometimes the joke has no effect on him. It doesn't make him happier or sadder. Actually, I think that if he says that the joke has no effect on him, it is just because he wasn't listening to you...

Other Stories
"Warbler Vocabulary" by blubblub317
The Grarrl cocked his head around a few times to try and find anything that looked remotely yummy and edible...

"That One Unlucky Night" by fireandwater2121
"I'm sorry, but I needed to see you. Erm... someone told me you're a great detective...

"Ashes" by ikkin_with_attitude
I am not, as I may seem to be from what I have said, dead. I am not a ghost, though I lack life like one...

Time For a Change?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Kauvara's Magic Shop
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Great stories!


Without Lights
"Kottske… Do you remember last year? Last Christmas?" I hoped for him to finally look at me, but he just closed his eyes and nodded again. He had just experienced a shift of emotions, as I could see a sorrowful look appearing on his face.

by potatorewkiki


The Chronicles of Rohane: Which Glitch?
Who knew that Mipsy was into Cartesian philosophy?

by ledsrevenge2


Savak: The Search - Part Five
Savak perched himself on a boulder, looking over all the brush and ferns that lined the bottom of the ravine. What he saw made him smile.

by zephandolf


Escape from Kreludor: Part One
"Sadie...I know how you feel. But this is my final chance to prove to myself that Sloth hasn't won yet. Please forgive me. I have to got, but send my regards to Jenny when you're on Recruiting Duty!"

by cyborg8000


"Well, think of all those poor pets in the pound-- not the ones with pretty coats or high stats. Think of those rows upon rows of cages, gray and monotonous. It's awful just thinking about it, but what if you had to live there, every day!"

by orginalcliche

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