Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 111,440,439 Issue: 192 | 26th day of Hunting, Y7
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At the Neopian Hospital

by shadih_temporary

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The Great Blurendo
With each laugh of the king, the Blumaroo waved his hands again and performed another one of his magical tricks and illusions...

Also by simsman24000

by blubblub317


Seasons change, relationships change, and sometimes, for the sad, unfortunate Neopian souls, owners, or as I like to call them, our human pets, can even change. Never once, however, did I think that I would changeā€¦ literally.

by briddgett


How the avatar Clay Kiko got its dent...

by the_three_scoogers


Khalid's Pride: Part One
The Chia gave an involuntary shudder. He liked Lupes, in general, but this one disgusted him a lot. For no reason, at all, it seemed...

by ladyariel32

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