A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,504,353 Issue: 966 | 12th day of Hiding, Y24
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Armistice - Part 2
The penultimate chapter!

by crazyboutcute


A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 2
"Baron Cuthbert steepled his fingers on his garish desk, which was adorned with Cyodrakes on each corner and even had a small statuette of himself as a pen and inkwell holder alongside a fancy gilded tray with several papers." collab with twillieblossom - thumbnail artist

by precious_katuch14


A Not so Great Deal
Put a token in the machine and see what happens. collab with dendeus_271 and aninha_morango

by carolina_021


Ghosts of the Past - Part 2
"The ride to Meri Acres Farm was surprisingly mundane."

by fallingdaybreak

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