The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 197,504,353 Issue: 966 | 12th day of Hiding, Y24
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Short Stories

Visiting Neopets - The Vessel

The construction was massive, but would the trip be enjoyable for the Neopets and Neopians?

by x_mystichorse_x
Jungle the Inventor

"She was the youngest in her family, but that didn’t mean she was too small, or young to do the things her siblings did."

by rkbear
Omen and Oracle

"Whatever she had been dreaming, it hadn’t been a very nice dream."

by heautontimouromenos
A Holly, Jolly Snowman

"Legend-a Woodland Uni-was well bundled up against the cold, but he still felt the chill against his pale bark."

by 77thbigby
The Collector's Scales

This is my first submission to the Times, I hope you like it.

by werelupe_king23
Kads on Kads on Kads

"Alieniey the Alien Aisha was feeling...well...quite alien."

by candylandtheonomy
Hannah and the Lantern's Glow

I'm back! After what feels like ages! Hope you like my story, I feel like I've gone a tad rusty!

by medit92
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The Bird's Bids: Neopia Central's Cuisine

I have found myself abruptly aware of the ghastly state of Neopia’s culture. My name is Urbanum. I am a stately and cultured Blue Lenny living in central Neopia. Upon several recent additions to the family, I have found that the current state of the general population’s taste is abysmal. The things these pets will consume! Ridiculous, I tell you- dung and omelettes and jellies galore.

Other Stories


Twelve Things To Make You Sing
"With the recent onset of some nicer weather, and with the Altador Cup on the horizon, I've decided that I need to focus on picking myself up."

by juliedoucet


A Guide to the Rubbish Dump, from a dedicated dumper
"Ever find yourself sitting and staring at the Rubbish Dump, frustrated at the lack of that shiny new avatar, or any valuable items? Well, I have just the guide for you."

by pesticide


Meridell Mysteries - Part 2: Spa Day for the Gal Pals
The penultimate chapter!

by rielcz


A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 2
"Baron Cuthbert steepled his fingers on his garish desk, which was adorned with Cyodrakes on each corner and even had a small statuette of himself as a pen and inkwell holder alongside a fancy gilded tray with several papers." collab with twillieblossom - thumbnail artist

by precious_katuch14


Message received
Even ancient spirits have feelings, ok?

by cuchatenador


Bad Idea, Dude: Recon
Don't be suspicious.

by fluffy_bumbkin

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