Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 194,163,747 Issue: 743 | 5th day of Hiding, Y18
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I Wish My Neopets Were Real

by starsbc

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Great stories!


Clouds Over Cogham: Part Eleven
If the heartache of loss could be summarised in sound, it would be the din that fills Cogham as the villagers are dragged to the site of their inevitable demise. The fires burn bright, and the hatred burns brighter, and the world is aglow in a sickly gold, blanketed by a warmth that feels strangely like frostbite.

by theschizophrenicpunk


More Neoquest Logic
That's not how this game works...

Also by sanamm and afsheen_27

by admonisher


Desert Requiem: Part Eight
Defying his physician's instructions to remain in bed, Jazan summoned an emergency council as soon as he was alerted to the disappearances. Ambassador Farisem did not attend the meeting, citing indisposition.

by kalnya


A Rockin’ Guide to Neopia’s Instruments!
In fact, if your pet is like this, it might even be a sign to give them an opportunity to learn a new skill - playing an instrument! But first, you obviously have to buy them one! Neopia’s own little music shop is located in the bustling Neopian Plaza at Neopia Central.

by pinkcrown123

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