Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 193,882,547 Issue: 708 | 20th day of Storing, Y17
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Hot Chili Problems

by sara1elo

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The Thing With Wings
“Can we consider him a member of the undead?” “Can we consider him a member of the undead?”

Cornelius Blunt glared at the white Zafara with wings on its back, wearing a brown coat, sitting out on the Sanatorium porch under the pouring rain. His fellow newly-hired nurse, a mummified Ruki in hospital garb with a somewhat defective tongue, shrugged, saying: “Wreeeaaah?”

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The Shopkeepers
In every Neopian land, there are shops, and where there are shops, you`ll find shopkeepers. This article is not about the busy, hardworking Neopets that manage the thriving businesses from Moltara to Neopia Central, however, it`s dedicated to those who watch over the user`s shops and galleries.

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It's Raining... Mortogs!
I knew there was an upside to all this collecting

Also by tarake_7_7_7

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The Rickety Ship: Sick Beats
Well then...

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