Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 188,827,426 Issue: 540 | 13th day of Eating, Y14
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Impetuousness! Pest Pestering Pest!

by seventhsapphire

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The Painter: Part One
It was a day like no other throughout the kingdom. The sun was gone, vanished and hidden by a thick cover of raging and writhing blanket of clouds above.

by rrooaarrrr


Order of Four: Part Twelve
Carlisle was in his place, that was what mattered: his place by Ilyis's side. And if he was quick enough, if and only if he was quick enough...

by jokerhahaazzz


Five Worst Places For Grey Pets To Live In Neopia
There are several places in Neopia that just aren't good places for Grey pets to live. They're just too bright or cheerful for a grey pet to live in peace.

by dr_tomoe


How To: Effectively Advertise Your Guild
The three most common ways you can advertise your guild in a polite, yet effective way.

by lil_grape_arborz

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