Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 188,827,426 Issue: 540 | 13th day of Eating, Y14
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The Casual Neopian's Guide to Battledoming

I present only what you'll need to know for beating most of the avatar opponents or the Defenders of Neopia challengers.

by rider_galbatorix
Top 10 Wearables for your Grey Pet: Neopoint Edition

Dozens of ways to customize your grey!

by sychologist
How To: Effectively Advertise Your Guild

The three most common ways you can advertise your guild in a polite, yet effective way.

by lil_grape_arborz
World Challenging for Fun and Profit

Whether you are longing for competitive play, seeking to enhance your gaming experience, or just looking for an opportunity to increase your profit, the World Challenge (WC) may be for you.

by zabnor
10 Ways to Turn a Bad Day into a Good One

So you're having a grey day, what now?

by pinkpaint
Dress to Depress

Here are some great fashion ideas that will help you dress to depress!

by jamespongebob
How to Care for Your Menacing Purple Bug

As with all creatures, your tiny purple bug needs four basic things to survive: sleep, food, water and a plethora of Hanso-related items.

by coco_bella
Take A Walk On The Grey Side

I'd like to address the stereotype that our bland appearances provoke in all manner of Neopians. People think that we're sad, that we like to be customised with dull, often uncomfortable backgrounds...

by gina_bunny
Five Worst Places For Grey Pets To Live In Neopia

There are several places in Neopia that just aren't good places for Grey pets to live. They're just too bright or cheerful for a grey pet to live in peace.

by dr_tomoe
Celebrating Negativity!

Sometimes we all need a little negativity in our lives...

by aifricr
The Way to Be Grey

Grey Day: the saddest day in all of Neopia. A day set aside to honor the heartbroken, the lonely, and the pets that are, well, just Grey.

by xxsicklullabiesxx
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"Darkest" by marthajill
I sighed and carried on polishing the collection of Draik morphing potions on top of the fireplace, thinking of all the more exciting things I could be doing. Like watching paint dry. My owner Jess was coming back from a long hiatus tomorrow, though, and my brother Kam and I wanted to make our neohome look...

Other Stories


Vampires from Space!
"In fact," Jennings continued, "Sometimes I even consider it a pity that self-appointed dictators such as myself do not have a union. If we did, I could petition for shorter working hours, a better pension..."

by herdygerdy


She's not who you think.

by marthajill


Perfectionist: Part Four
Flowers are tossed and grasped. The cast bows.

And the whole time Rese beams with superiority.

by virtuosoe


Order of Four: Part Twelve
Carlisle was in his place, that was what mattered: his place by Ilyis's side. And if he was quick enough, if and only if he was quick enough...

by jokerhahaazzz


Boochi Joins the Festivities
Welcome to the Negg Festival!

Also by l3lo0

by madamkambria


The Roleplay Cafe
I want to read every book in Neopia! ...You know, except that one.

by purrfect_cookie

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