Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 178,575,454 Issue: 435 | 19th day of Running, Y12
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Shell Shocked

by 0turtle

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The Black Scarab: Part One
Sea Cat jumped and whirled around, only to find a cutlass at her throat, and Scarblade standing in front of her. She glared...

by medit92


Letters from Faerie to Faerie
Dear Illusen,

You of all people know...

by kat_sings


Come On Down and Beat AAA!
Welcome to the ultimate showdown between AAA and... YOU!

by nick104482


Little Drummer Bori
He turned towards his drums and placed the cup on his seat. He then started counting the Neopoints. He had earned the amazing amount of fifty Neopoints today...

by articuno_neo

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