Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 175,667,400 Issue: 357 | 29th day of Hiding, Y10
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by phaes

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Avatar Obsessed Usul
This Usul will do anything for a new avatar.

by nickahwhatt


NeoBusiness School for the Conscience-Impaired
Are you fed up with renting out the upper floor of your Neohome for extra income to brawling pirates who play Deckball in the wee hours of the morning? Are you exhausted trying to convince your Neopet that the Pile of Sludge you gave her is indeed a perfectly acceptable Petpet?

by too_kule


Kajillion: Voidberry
Cuddlepuff0 sticks his hand in the void. It comes out in Meridell.

by bettyming


Saving Terror Mountain: Part Four
"Follow me to Jhudora's cloud," Nella said.

by aspens_author

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