Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 175,667,400 Issue: 357 | 29th day of Hiding, Y10
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Edibility – Malicious Or Delicious?

After doing extensive research in this field I can honestly say I am adequately equipped to dish the facts on edible pets.

by rainbow2skittle
Ten Crimes Commited In The Altador Plot

Stealing is bad.

Also by gorillu

by stadium__x

NeoBusiness School for the Conscience-Impaired

Are you fed up with renting out the upper floor of your Neohome for extra income to brawling pirates who play Deckball in the wee hours of the morning? Are you exhausted trying to convince your Neopet that the Pile of Sludge you gave her is indeed a perfectly acceptable Petpet?

by too_kule
Interview With Dr. Sloth

This was taken before he was trapped in the charm. We are currently looking through space to find him.

by junglequeen117
The Perfect Villain

Exhibit A: Pirates. Afraid yet?

by kattrish
Mutants: Judged By Their Appearance?

Have you ever heard your friends ever say, 'Ew, a mutant? You're considering one?' Then take a look at these facts.

by jackjack1234
A Career in Villainy Part 1: To Evil Or Not To Evil

Before you make the big decision to become a villain, there are a few things you need to consider.

by bindi026
How To Be a Fairly Decent Evil Villain

Finding your henchmen, building your headquarters, plotting your master plan, and how to monologue.

by too_good_pretty_boy
The Top Five Reasons To Be Mutant

Look everyone straight in the eye (if they're frozen in fear long enough) and say, "I'm PROUD to be a Mutant!"

by ummkalima
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"Usukicon Edna" by slinkee
It wasn’t long before I was in front of Edna's castle wearing my very best disguise. I let myself in and volunteer for a quest when to my surprise, what does she ask for but an Usukicon Y9 Gift bag! And nothing else!

Other Stories


Mutant Can Be Beautiful
Just because you're painted mutant doesn't mean you're not beautiful.

by legolas_184


The Flavors of Humbleness
Soup Faerie pulled out her cooking vessels just as, outside, Taelia, Jhuidah and Illusen withdrew their first weapons...

by sunny_funshine


Jack and the Seven Curses of Renee: Part Five
"All right," Cyrus began as he rolled up the antidote scroll, "your job, Shadow, is to paint over this week's new exhibit at the Art Gallery with red paint."

by featherwingedangel


The Treasure of Xutu: Part Seven
"I told you two. I told you these books were restricted! And now look what has happened!"

by rc81590


An encounter with the Fountain Faerie...

by phaes


The Lost Island Hunters - Part VII
Strange pink bunches frightened our heroes.

Also by cevierakasky

by dra_jl

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