Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,667,400 Issue: 357 | 29th day of Hiding, Y10
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Short Stories

Usukicon Edna

"Lady, you've been asking every pet that comes through here for one of these. I got an itch that says this ain't for no spell."

by slinkee
Decisions, Decisions

"Don't you think you're pushing Greyfur a little too much? Just look at him..."

by jayandcourtneyk
The Story of an Ixi Girl's life

"If the healing faerie doesn't heal you today, we'll have to drop you off at the pound tomorrow."

by beautiful_sim
Disc's Story

"Well," Marie began, looking at us, "As you know, we have been saving for a royal paintbrush for quite some time now."

by dragonkittymaddy
The Tale of the Reject Faerie Queen Doll

How such an ugly toy made it into the Hidden Tower...

by _x_bjork_x_
To Help A Faerie

Jhudora grabbed the potion next to it and stuck it in front of my face. "One drop of this potion on you, and you will wish you never existed..."

by rocknrollpup95
The Flavors of Humbleness

Soup Faerie pulled out her cooking vessels just as, outside, Taelia, Jhuidah and Illusen withdrew their first weapons...

by sunny_funshine
Mutant Can Be Beautiful

Just because you're painted mutant doesn't mean you're not beautiful.

by legolas_184
Worse Than Disguised Dr. Sloth!

Behind a counter next to another wooden doorway, two yellow menacing eyes glare at him. Jace suddenly wishes he had listened to his friends...

by momobiscuits
Dr. Sloth Apologizes

You little fuzz buckets are actually not too bad.

by ronnied1994
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Reasons To Be Mutant

The 25th day of Hiding was Mutant Day and in honor of all the Neopets that have endured their owners' wishes for them to take on these radical changes, we remind them of their special 'perks' for being... erm, special. You really wonder what was going through the owner's mind that caused them to look at their adorable, playful sweet Neopet and say, "No, I think horribly disfiguring is the way to go with you..."

Other Stories


Mutants: Judged By Their Appearance?
Have you ever heard your friends ever say, 'Ew, a mutant? You're considering one?' Then take a look at these facts.

by jackjack1234


NeoBusiness School for the Conscience-Impaired
Are you fed up with renting out the upper floor of your Neohome for extra income to brawling pirates who play Deckball in the wee hours of the morning? Are you exhausted trying to convince your Neopet that the Pile of Sludge you gave her is indeed a perfectly acceptable Petpet?

by too_kule


Following the Wind: Part Eight
Atrik laughed, her harsh voice resounding off the walls in the quiet hall. "So you've come here to take your revenge? Ha! How petty!"

Also by noob

by scarletspindle


The Legend of Vasnia: Part Four
Hektor watched in horror as one stray weapon soared through the water and struck the chain, causing the entire structure to collapse...

by costa_rican_girl


Rock Jelly etc. - But What About the Ice Cream?
What a waste!

by akatonbo


Short Stories

by pernillepapillon

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