Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 175,667,400 Issue: 357 | 29th day of Hiding, Y10
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New Series

Green Beginnings: Part One

Somebody tapped Jhudora on the shoulder. "You're to see the Headmistress right now. Follow me."

by deathxwisher
Seashells: Part One

The seashell had been the last gift her mother had given her before that fateful day...

by iamcanadian1428
The Fate of the Lost City of Geraptiku: Part One

Quiet hissing could be heard in the corridor to his right, and a red glow emanated from the darkness.

by rest_in_boredom
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"Dr. Sloth Apologizes" by ronnied1994
I have to apologize for all the nasty things that I've done. What I have done in the past was very mean and I understand how cruelly I have treated all of you. You little fuzz buckets are actually not too bad...

Other Stories


Disc's Story
"Well," Marie began, looking at us, "As you know, we have been saving for a royal paintbrush for quite some time now."

by dragonkittymaddy


Decisions, Decisions
"Don't you think you're pushing Greyfur a little too much? Just look at him..."

by jayandcourtneyk


The Top Five Reasons To Be Mutant
Look everyone straight in the eye (if they're frozen in fear long enough) and say, "I'm PROUD to be a Mutant!"

by ummkalima


A Career in Villainy Part 1: To Evil Or Not To Evil
Before you make the big decision to become a villain, there are a few things you need to consider.

by bindi026


Bus Stop
You are entering another dimension. That's the signpost up ahead...

by luckyfishie


Get Some Friends!
This calls for a party!

by konayukii

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