Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 176,434,869 Issue: 339 | 18th day of Eating, Y10
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by akakoneko

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The Elements
He didn't know what his destiny was, and he didn't know that destiny wasn't always friendly...

by risen_hope11


The Witches Ride Again: Part Five
Despite Kauvara's initial bravado, she was still in a weak state. She sat in the backroom sipping a restorative potion as the witches closed up her shop, largely by scowling at customers until they got the point and left...

by herdygerdy


Mutant Pets: Good, not Evil
I'll be interviewing mutants, non-mutants, and former mutants on their views on this issue.

by phonics21354


Wheel of Excitement
But nothing happens.

by hehehaha76180

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