White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 176,434,869 Issue: 339 | 18th day of Eating, Y10
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Continued Series

The Witches Ride Again: Part Five

Despite Kauvara's initial bravado, she was still in a weak state. She sat in the backroom sipping a restorative potion as the witches closed up her shop, largely by scowling at customers until they got the point and left...

by herdygerdy
Fine Line: Part Three

Uva walked a fine line, but she had managed to keep up her fortune telling business without faltering even once. The pink Kau knew all the tricks of the trade...

by reggieman721
Backfire!: Part Five

"You know, I may not even need my cunning deceit to take over the world from the shadows," Jhudora mused, stifling laughter. "I'll just unleash you and your siblings upon the unsuspecting world, and that would be that..."

by raizindaroof
Petpet Adventures: Reunited - Part Four

The Juma standing in the path in front of him sighed to herself. Pets were just so dull, and this one was no exception. “Look down,” she growled...

by rachelindea
The Road to Pyramid Parade: Part Four

Desi floated upside-down in white space, not that there was an "up" or "down" to begin with. There was nobody around her, except for a Pteri that didn't seem to notice her...

by kirsche474
A New Friend: Part Two

I grabbed a bowl myself, filled it up with cereal and sat down at the table with them. I heard Bibi whisper something into her brother's ear and they both giggled...

by carys1994
Lost Memories: Part Three

"Where am I now?" thought Firreter as he reached the city. "Is this where I'm supposed to be?"

by zafaracutie4
The Zap that Changed it All: Part Three

He had just turned a corner when he saw it. Ahead of him, the Zomutt puppy was chewing on an unrecognizable, slobbery mess of purple cloth and stuffing...

by adoption_rescues
A Misjudged City: Part Two

"How are we going to get out now?" whimpered Artemesa. "We're trapped in the Deserted Tomb, and no one's going to come into Geraptiku..."

by brightheart250
The Lost Tomb of Coltzan: Part Two

"Um, Jynifer? When are we going to stop to drink? We really need to soon, if we ever want to reach the tomb of Coltzan." He paused, then muttered under his breath, "If the blasted tomb even EXISTS..."

by paintedpets4ever
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"Chronicles of the FMI: Agent Flep" by rotty_paws
Celia had purchased a Meepit a mere five days ago, and on the end of the fifth day, she had vanished and a new pink Meepit with no apparent records had been shipped off to the Haunted Woods from the NC Middle School. My superiors quickly became suspicious, and I was called in to follow that Meepit. There's a rumor going around that the Meepits have a new concoction that can turn Neopets into...

Other Stories


To My Best Friend
Now, with her fur ruffled and wet because of the pouring rain, she yearned for the roof and the four walls she had felt trapped in before...

by imogenweasley


True Friends
The whole group laughed, except for Naqasa, who just giggled a little to keep up appearances...

by shadow_sabre_


Top 10 Strawberry Dishes
Strawberries. Most of us have heard of them, and even tried them ourselves. But who would have known all the yummy ways you can eat them?

by avatar_addicted852


For Those of Us With Limited Time...
How can you get a steady, sustainable income and still manage to find time for eight hours of sleep each night? You know, it's funny you should ask...

by randomkat


No Apparent Significance
It's rather amazing what the Lab Ray can do...

by reikosay


AZS #1 - Wheels of Doom
Your Neopets don't speak their minds, and for good reason, too.

by johnredds

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