The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 138,002,725 Issue: 286 | 6th day of Eating, Y9
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Pet Kicks Club

by gelert548

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Easter Paint Job
Happy Easter!!

by zooksie


Krawks - Elusive Holders of the Wooden Spoon
Their rarity makes them a popular goal for users; just owning one will give you quite a bit of prestige...

by starry__night__sky


Experimenting with Identity
From time to time a subdued cackle was heard, accompanied by hums and whirrs. This was where identities were forged, worn, and discarded...

by yoyote


Another Day: Undersea Adventure
Two JubJubs who take a hint from the game Jubble Bubble and invest in bubbles instead of Maraquan paint brushes.

by happyluckygo

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