The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 138,002,725 Issue: 286 | 6th day of Eating, Y9
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I ♥ Mutants

by helmfinland

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Great stories!


The Jelly Ones
"Are you going to stop any time soon or am I going to have to pounce on you?" asked Teresa...

by kotahkue


Of Holes and Headaches
You ready?

Script by tambourine_chimp

by ghostkomorichu


Budgets: Solution or Simply Impossible?
Manage your money (and your mentality) by reading the tips to the trade... of budgeting!

by super_star_08034


Family Meeting
We are in a time of crises...

Also by precious_katuch14

by manda314

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