White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 134,591,299 Issue: 278 | 9th day of Awakening, Y9
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The Happiest Quiggle

by nut862

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Her Goodbye
The Uni stood there, the silent breeze gently running through her mane and tail...

by justanecholeft


The DiamondEyez Review- The Top Ten Coffee Trends
Put simply, there is a wider variety of coffee than there has ever been before. So in case you haven’t joined the bandwagon or are just checking to make sure your ways are trendy, this review is a must...

by goldenpaw


(Almost) Ten Fun Uses for Your Lawnmower
I have never once read a good list, or even a bad one, on the many uses of a lawnmower. Tragically, it seems that most people really do not know how extraordinarily functional this handy piece of machinery is!

by socksy003


Z0MG! Underwater Fishing Escape
Patience is a virtue, but not if you're about to get in trouble? Run!

by xxkesenaitsumixx

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