A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 134,591,299 Issue: 278 | 9th day of Awakening, Y9
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Continued Series

Another Hero's Journey: Part Five

"Reuben and Rohane – both gone, just like that! We have to get a search party and look for them! Who knows what's happening?"

by precious_katuch14
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Six

Rolan reached out and grabbed Jeran's elbow, derailing the Lupe's train of thought. "We're here," he whispered...

by nimras23
Sword of the Shapeshifter: Part Three

Tenultra padded around Jeran to position herself in front of the Lupe. "We are here to free all of Miaglo's prisoners, and we need to move quickly..."

Art by sarahleeadvent

by sarahleeadvent

Afternoon Tea: Part Three

"Oh, please!" cried Gloria, still standing up. "The Afton I'm friends with would never put hundreds of workers out of a job! You are not the friend I knew..."

by reggieman721
Legend Seekers: Mysterious Magic - Part Four

"W-What will you offer me in return?" The stammer betrayed his misgivings. He could show no weakness. His new allies were dangerous, and he was not as powerful as they seemed to think he was...

by yatomiyuka
Tangled Up in Blu: Part Four

Blu, stunned beyond belief, could not control her thoughts. How dare he! He has no proof that I am solely to blame for whatever happened on that day! I don't even know what happened on that day! What do I do?!?

by hotchick859
The Mirror of Memories: Part Three

I didn't feel anything at all, so I put my whole hand through. A portal. I took one last deep breath, closed my eyes, and quickly walked through the mirror...

by sytra
Twist of Fate: Part Two

Manda tried talking to me through the door, and I didn’t want to have anything to do with it. Talking through the door was like advertising to the whole neighborhood what my problems were...

by mandapanda9188
Secret of the Advent Calendar: Part Two

Jibjuff heard people outside screaming and shouting; she looked out the window and saw a terrible sight. Repaired meepit plushies and dung meepit plushies marched forth in swarms...

by 0199498115
The Adventures of Trina: The Return of the Staff - Part Two

"I can't believe it. I just can't. It’s the Staff of Alhasutek, the real thing! I studied this last year!"

by ummagine3284
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The Handy Lawnmower

I have never once read a good list, or even a bad one, on the many uses of a lawnmower. Tragically, it seems that most people really do not know how extraordinarily functional this handy piece of machinery is! As I am the (self-proclaimed) Queen of Functionality and of Lawnmowers, I feel that it is my duty...

Other Stories


Fanmail for Jhudora
She shuddered at the thought of a Jhudora Appreciation Day. She didn’t want to be appreciated. She wanted to cause terror and panic...

by star_29791


Only for Jhudora
Neither wind, rain, snow nor hail could keep the purple Shoyru called Elisha from completing one of Jhudora's quests...

Also by precious_katuch14

by laurelinden


(Almost) Ten Fun Uses for Your Lawnmower
I have never once read a good list, or even a bad one, on the many uses of a lawnmower. Tragically, it seems that most people really do not know how extraordinarily functional this handy piece of machinery is!

by socksy003


Monster Attacks And You
Giant monsters. Not your cuddly happy fun fellow Neopians, but rather an insurance Chia's nightmare. So what can we do to protect ourselves from these monsters?

by sato_master


Dandilion Tails: Krawk Seek
Where are you off to?

Also by walkaroundstar

by dandilion_crucifix


And the Meepits Outgrabe
My hallway is missing!

by kittylin

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