A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 134,591,299 Issue: 278 | 9th day of Awakening, Y9
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Gross Food: Grossly Misunderstood?

Welcome to the world of Gross Food. Not to be confused with food that is gross, such as sprouts, broccoli, and oatmeal...

by playmobil_is_my_life
Making Guilds Fun!!!

Yes, it is time to get the fun on! Here is a starter list of games, activities, and guild services you and your guild can do to make things a bit more fun.

by manda314
The DiamondEyez Review- The Top Ten Coffee Trends

Put simply, there is a wider variety of coffee than there has ever been before. So in case you haven’t joined the bandwagon or are just checking to make sure your ways are trendy, this review is a must...

by goldenpaw
The Best, the Worst: Of Holidays

Okay, so the big holidays are over. New Year's is done and gone, and your resolutions are probably forgotten on the floor. For the most part, you have squeezed every ounce of celebration out of these holidays. But you want more.

by kelszozo
Neopets: The Darkest Faerie PS2 Game Guide

I have some handy tips that will help you along the way of defeating the Darkest Faerie.

by madneogirl
Neopian Illnesses Revealed

Prevention is the first defense against catching a disease and hopefully after reading this article you will have learned a little more about what can cause your pet to become ill.

by zelda2222
Neopoints, What is the Point? (Pun Not Intended)

I have noticed that not many people have looked back upon their neverending frenzy of harvesting neopoints. "Why," they will ponder, "do we need all these neopoints?"

by emmasam79
Monster Attacks And You

Giant monsters. Not your cuddly happy fun fellow Neopians, but rather an insurance Chia's nightmare. So what can we do to protect ourselves from these monsters?

by sato_master
Painted Petpets' Peculiar Prices

What price to ask when you are selling a petpet? And what if you want to buy one? This article gives you the answers!

by zolphia
(Almost) Ten Fun Uses for Your Lawnmower

I have never once read a good list, or even a bad one, on the many uses of a lawnmower. Tragically, it seems that most people really do not know how extraordinarily functional this handy piece of machinery is!

by socksy003
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The Handy Lawnmower

I have never once read a good list, or even a bad one, on the many uses of a lawnmower. Tragically, it seems that most people really do not know how extraordinarily functional this handy piece of machinery is! As I am the (self-proclaimed) Queen of Functionality and of Lawnmowers, I feel that it is my duty...

Other Stories


Just Different, Just MorningGlory
Early_MorningGlory sat at the window, watching the rising sun paint the pure white snow pink and gold. The yellow Lupe was curled up on the window seat, wearing an old fashioned dress. She was scribbling away on a piece of paper, attempting to ignore the chaos issuing through out the rest of the house...

by squareular


Escape from the Darigan Citadel!
Would you brave the dungeons of the Darigan Citadel for 10,000 neopoints?

by sumthingshiny


Twist of Fate: Part Two
Manda tried talking to me through the door, and I didn’t want to have anything to do with it. Talking through the door was like advertising to the whole neighborhood what my problems were...

by mandapanda9188


Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Six
Rolan reached out and grabbed Jeran's elbow, derailing the Lupe's train of thought. "We're here," he whispered...

by nimras23


The Petpetpets of Neopia
Pooch goes to the Vet

by starlet12


The Sad, Sad Truth
I know it's traumatizing... but you all simply have to know the truth.

by potatoes_on_toast

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