Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 131,950,016 Issue: 271 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y8
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O To Be Grey

by specialed_squad

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Neopet Lessons: A Guide to the Fullest Experience Possible
Here are a few simple lessons that this user learned the hard way. I utter them in the hopes that Newbies may take them to heart and make the Neopets experience all that it can be.

by ewanspaz


Comical Properties
How are we supposed to get up THERE?

Story by blacebrander

by petfriendamy


10 Steps to Holiday Cheer
Therefore, it is not only my privilege, but my duty, to outline 10 crucial steps a GCN like myself follows in order to spread the Holiday cheer.

by karatemaster9


Lightmite Be Bright
What does the Lightmite from Gwyl's Great Escape do when he is out of the jewel mine?

by with_lemonade

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