Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 115,191,906 Issue: 230 | 9th day of Running, Y8
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by dyne_aria

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The Jackals of Sakhmet II- Finding Lee: Part Four
"Aye, Cap'n!" all crew members chorused. With one more nod, Keera said, "Alright, let's set sail! We have an island to explore!"

by arrielle5


It took THAT long to get Breakfast?!?

by thepinkpixel


Making Your Account Stand Out
Many people wonder what makes a person's account stand out. Is it the painted pets or the account age? Is it the trophies or the participation in the plots? Is it their neohome or user lookup?

by cutelittlechinchilla


Fake Faerie
A good tip to anyone who can't afford a faerie paintbrush. But we can't guarantee it will work...

by littlemisskirby

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