Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 115,191,906 Issue: 230 | 9th day of Running, Y8
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by rapidrat

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When Petpets Attack!
This pet got lucky... will yours!?!

by supersaiyanrei


Experimenting with Chemistry
Chemistry for Beginners: a strategic game where you are a chemist working in the very scary lab. Your task is to gain points by combining two or more atoms creating combinations. As you play through the game the amount of points required to pass to the next level increases.

by feathertwisterz


Solkaris: The Narrative - Part Three
The room we were in now was so small one torch was sufficient enough to dimly light up every corner in the room, and Sarina was almost immediately back on her feet and tracing the wall paintings with wonder...

by x_marks_the_spot


Wait – What Happened to the Other Smileys?
Before I begin my explanation of collected research, I must tell you that in this article, I will not provide those desperate emotionless-filled Neopians with a guide to beating all eight levels of this game, but I will explore who exactly stole these smileys.

by __jxhn_

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