Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,074,987 Issue: 959 | 29th day of Eating, Y24
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We found the following 19 result(s) for the keyword frankie8492

Week - 409

Hunt for the Ray: Part 1
by frankie8492
Description: Wouldn't it be cool...

Art by ebily

Week - 410

Hunt for the Ray: Part 2
by frankie8492
Description: Whatever it takes...

Art by ebily

Week - 411

Hunt for the Ray: Part 3
by frankie8492
Description: This must be it!

Art by ebily

Week - 412

Hunt for the Ray: Part 4
by frankie8492
Description: Hey, kid...

Art by ebily

Week - 474

An Everyday Routine
by lilyed
Description: The ray is fired...

Idea by frankie8492

Week - 476

A Joke Gone Bad
by lilyed
Description: *grumble*

Idea by frankie8492

Week - 483

Turmac Shortage
by lilyed
Description: Ever since Turmaculus moved here...

Idea by frankie8492

Week - 529

Expectations and Reality
by frankie8492
Description: Paint brush?

Week - 660

How Do Paint Brushes Work
by gollyitsirene
Description: *munch munch*

Also by frankie8492

Week - 751

Happy Bashing!
by frankie8492
Description: They never let us have any fun!

Also by shutianlei3333

Week - 773

Be Careful What You Wish For...
by theyellowrose
Description: Well that was too easy

Also by frankie8492

Week - 785

How Petpetpets Celebrate Petpet Appreciation Day
by theyellowrose
Description: We should get recognition!

Also by frankie8492

Week - 843

Eenie Meenie
by frankie8492
Description: He can't make up his mind, mind, mind, mind, mind.

Also by gollyitsirene

Week - 848

Different Ideas
by gollyitsirene
Description: Yeah...noo

also by frankie8492

Week - 849

Mynci Beach Volleyball
by gollyitsirene
Description: Step 1

By gollyitsirene and frankie8492

Week - 891

Failing Jhudora's quest
by frankie8492
Description: Failure is not an option.

Idea by myncithemonkey

Week - 899

Now, I'm Actually Feeling Grey
by frankie8492
Description: I probably should've asked someone about this first... Collab with theyellowrose

Week - 956

The Scroll of Truth
by frankie8492
Description: Just because it is written, does not mean it is fact. collab with stefsea and myncithemonkey

Week - 959

Neo-Crosswordle #1
by frankie8492
Description: This is an upside-down wordle! collab with myncithemonkey and stefsea

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Muffin like friends
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