The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,074,987 Issue: 959 | 29th day of Eating, Y24
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Continued Series

Another Hero's Krawk Island

the final chapter!

by precious_katuch14
The Fate of Valeane

"Isobel was at least thankful Skarl had not ordered her imprisoned or expelled from Meridell, but the guards on the throne room kept to his word and barred her entry."

by herdygerdy
The Return of Destiny

"As was lightly mentioned in the previous chapter, there was only one Neopet in all of Neopia who knew of the existence of the Faerie of Mist." collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

by venused
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"How Slow Can You Go?" by i_lovee_icecream
“Hey, Clause! Wait for me!” Eleanor, the Maraquan Usul, shouted as her friend darted past her in the cerulean ocean waters. Clause was a handsome Maraquan Draik who could glide through any current, leaving most Neopets in his sandy dust.

Other Stories


Castle Planners Journal: The Cheese Incident
"An orange Bori stood at the top of a tall tower looking out across all of Meridell. This watch tower afforded him a great view of all of the castle that he was responsible for, specifically, the bright red roofing tiles."

by ferretboy85


How Slow Can You Go?
A tale about friendship and the diversity of Maraqua Neopets.

by i_lovee_icecream


The Top 5 Tastiest Baked Goods! (And The 5 Worst)
"We’re covering the top 5 most delicious baked confectioneries in all of Neopia!"

by coldblanket


Aquatic Rarities: Unconverted Petpets
"In the early 2000s, a handful of pre-existing Petpets were changed into new designs for various reasons."

by _brainchild_


Candy is Candy! - Gelerthive Household
Ciel, you can't just go around eating Candy Paintbrushes. Those are expensive, y'know?

by jirachi_iralicha_


Cybunny - Twin Easter Negg!
A most Negg-cellent puzzle! collab with gamador and tsezar

by dollsuki

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