Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 186,916,395 Issue: 512 | 16th day of Gathering, Y13
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword nurseryteacher28

Week - 478

Newcomer in the Nursery
by nurseryteacher28
Description: I started a nursery several years ago, and have been trying mostly successfully to raise my three tiny tykes ever since.

Week - 482

Neopian Nursery School: Part One
by nurseryteacher28
Description: I stood in the middle of a mini war zone, my head throbbing as I watched my four baby pets fight with one another...

Week - 483

Neopian Nursery School: Part Two
by nurseryteacher28
Description: That night at supper, school was all my kids could talk about.

Week - 490

Boween in the Nursery: Part One
by nurseryteacher28
Description: That was the last time I ever trusted babies to try and wrap birthday presents, or any other gifts for that matter. I should have known it would be a disaster...

Week - 491

Boween in the Nursery: Part Two
by nurseryteacher28
Description: I had a hard time sleeping that night, and not just because Norman was snoring loudly in his basket at the foot of my bed.

Week - 492

Lucy Lost: Part One
by nurseryteacher28
Description: "How was school?" I asked as my four baby pets filed one by one out of Miss Ellie's nursery school that afternoon.

Week - 493

Lucy Lost: Part Two
by nurseryteacher28
Description: I nodded gravely. If that's what it took, then that's what I'd do.

Week - 510

Just a Little... Different: Part One
by nurseryteacher28
Description: "Tyto, what in the world has gotten into you today? You're usually so quiet and calm; you never give me any trouble. What's going on?"

Week - 511

Just a Little... Different: Part Two
by nurseryteacher28
Description: I smiled to myself. It was worth a shot, and if it didn't work, well, it never hurt to have more books around the house.

Week - 512

Little Shoyru Homeward Bound: Part One
by nurseryteacher28
Description: I was just getting out of bed to go down the corridor and check on my sleeping kids when I heard a blood-curdling cry.

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