Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 186,916,395 Issue: 512 | 16th day of Gathering, Y13
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Trading with Dignity

At the end of the day, we can all trade whichever way we want (as long as we abide by the rules set out by Neopets), even if the way you trade makes me want to go zeenanas!

by kspare2
The Chocolate Ball: How Tos and Need to Knows

I have heard this year is going to be the best one yet; maybe a chocolate waterfall is in store? *drifts off into daydream*

by emmagine15
Conveniently Placed Shops of Neopia Central

Those who created Neopia Central paid very careful attention to detail, and a few of their choices have paid off quite well.

by _chopin
Twelve Must Have NP Wearables

Whether you're new to customization, or you've been at it for years, these are twenty wearables you'll use every time you dress your pets.

by 7splat52
Tips of a Gamer - MAGAX Destroyer II

There's a strange smell in the air tonight, as you walk through the mist covered town of the Haunted Woods.

by 9r_waka_tip
Advanced Survival Skills: The Perfect Survival Pet

Today, I'm going to explain to you the top 11 pets for survival situations.

Also by uhhhhheather

by lil_princess_of_evil

Mallow Grundos – Do Not Eat!

On behalf of all Mallow Grundos, I thought it would be a good idea to give Mallow owners some tips on how to care for such a special type of Neopet.

Also by silly_mistake

by fallingfaries

Poogle Puissance

Nearly always sunny and effervescent, most Poogles go through life singing and dancing.

by blackwater444
Palatable Pets and Petpets of Neopia

The Month of Gathering is host to easily the most delicious festival in all of Neopia—the Chocolate Ball!

by katiecoo802
Anyone Can Do It

It all started years ago when her owner became a Neopian and saw the adorable dog-like creature that was a Poogle.

by assionpay
10 Things Your Poogle Will Appreciate

A special Poogle Day edition!

by girlpower836
How to Customise Edible Pets

In this article I am going to make your apple Chia (and other tasty pets) go from dull to delightful!

by babygirl122187
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"Moving On" by allison_kitty11
Very few remembered the name of this nearly abandoned road, and the few families that still lived there were not a social bunch. Located at the very end of the road was an old, worn down wooden neohome that looked as though nobody had lived in it for years. However, if one looked closely, they would notice in the old grimy window, a small blue furry face was gazing out of it, watching the street. Of course, nobody ever noticed this little lonely pet as she waited by the window...

Other Stories


Moving On
Located at the very end of the road was an old, worn down wooden neohome that looked as though nobody had lived in it for years.

by allison_kitty11


Real Freedom
"I have four pets, and I want a Lutari. That means I have to get rid of one, does it not?"

by ketchup547


Thyla's Tale: Part Six
A large red flame was dancing in my paw. I gasped.

by chestnuttiger787


An Unlucky Day: Part One
How poetic. Evinti, the thief who had organized countless heists in the past was now the victim of a theft.

by gold_fang


You know it's coming...

by snowstorm4444


Sit, Slorg!
My Slorg can do tricks!

by iggy_b_puff

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