Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 142,862,738 Issue: 176 | 4th day of Awakening, Y7
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword sirussblack

Week - 164

100 Stinkin, Cheesy, Rejected Neopian Times Titles
by blubblub317
Description: Titles can make a big difference when writing an article or a series or a comic or a short story!

Week - 164

Worse Than You
by sirussblack
Description: Grrrr... to those random events.

Week - 169

Worse Than You #2
by sirussblack
Description: "Confusion"

Week - 169

A Kadoatery Tale
by sirussblack
Description: I don't like it here. It smells. It smells really bad. And, everyone is crying. Crying and crying and crying and they just won't stop...

Week - 172

Out on the Battlefield
by sirussblack
Description:  I actually never agreed to be on the thieves' side. I didn't want to help them. I wanted to help the Bori and Hannah. But, a family tradition was a family tradition and no one could change that...

Week - 174

Common Sense
by sirussblack
Description: Ooooh! A new shop!

Art by ickessler

Week - 176

The White Weewoo - Help or Harm?
by sirussblack
Description: You’ve heard it before. The endless chatter, the non-stopping praise of one thing and one thing only - the White Weewoo. Apparently, people think it stands for a sign of hope. Those people in question are wrong.

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Cheez and Flames
You asked for it.

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Dear Roxy: Roxy Rocks
No one pushes me around, especially someone who can’t even use the litter box.

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Tantei Magouichi
The things that a Buzz has to do for a living...

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The Origin of Rivalry
Jhudora's jaw dropped. She had never, never in her whole life seen someone with so many... freckles. Quickly she realized what this faerie's weak point was.

by shadowcristal


Snowglobe: Part Two
"You're the one who donated all of those?" Ria nodded as if to say, of-course-I-did-who-else? Sun blinked before shaking her head. "I can't believe it...but I'm so proud of you Ria!"

by cyborg8000

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