Meow Circulation: 142,862,738 Issue: 176 | 4th day of Awakening, Y7
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9 Steps To Become Petpetsitter Champion

Ever dream of owning an avatar or gold trophy in Petpetsitter? Getting frustrated because you don’t have the technique and skill?

by shady_lanem
Inside an Earth Faerie College

The Institute for Earth Faerie Education has been located on the northernmost island of the little-known trio for about thirty years, giving earth faeries one of the very finest and most unusual education.

by resurrectedwarrior
A Beginner's Guide to the Employment Agency

One thing many people overlook as a simple way to make their pet extraordinary all-around is the Faerieland Employment Agency. Located in Faerie City directly above the Faerie Bookshop, the Employment Agency employs thousands of pets each and every year.

by ril_chan
Mixed Emotions

First of all, you must understand that I cannot hope to cover all the chat symbols out there as there’s an infinite number in existence. I will, however, try to include the most commonly used characters throughout the boards.

by aphetism
Who Said Dr. Sloth Wasn't Succesful?

Dr Sloth would make a comment, but he is too busy hiding from TNT.

by tushiwuddle
Neopia's Future New Features

Yeah, it’s exciting to be in the first month of a new year on Neopets and it’s fun to speculate about what new games, plots, Neopet species, and surprises might be in store for us in the coming 12 months... but for this article, let’s forget about Year 7 for a second.

by slamina83
Dear Roxy: Roxy Rocks

No one pushes me around, especially someone who can’t even use the litter box.

by roxycaligirl101
The White Weewoo - Help or Harm?

You’ve heard it before. The endless chatter, the non-stopping praise of one thing and one thing only - the White Weewoo. Apparently, people think it stands for a sign of hope. Those people in question are wrong.

by sirussblack
Moon Rock Rampage - The Guide

First, choose either Gorix or Cylara as your character. Your second choice is to decide what you want. Do you want to earn quick Neopoints? Or do you want to get a high score?

by totosquirt
Hidden Treasures: Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe

Tucked away in a small corner of Neopia, lies the quiet Coffee Shop, accompanied by the much quieter Coin Shop. At some point in Neopian history, coffee fell out of favor with the masses and soft drinks arose

by blackcairn
Neopian Food Reviews

I highly doubt you’ve tasted all of these foods, both because of lack of Neopoints and fear of bad taste. So, to be branded honorable Neopians, my friend Ery and I decided to take on the duty of tasting different types of Neopian foods to report back to you if they’re worth buying!

by chocolateisamust
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"The Orgin of Rivalry" by Shadowcristal
Jhudora's jaw dropped. She had never, never in her whole life seen someone with so many... freckles...

Other Stories


The Spardel That Wasn’t There
This is the end for me! Who knew it’d I go like this! Wha? You’re no Bearog either, you’re a… Spardel? Ohh, pretty, a pink Spardel! Pink, like I am!

by undeadfortune


Tales from the Haunted Woods: The Ghost Meowclops
"This tale begins... on a night like this... in these very woods..." At that moment, the wind picked up slightly. "Old Mr. Tunnatin, a grey Lupe, was hobbling about his yard, searching for his petpet that had died five years earlier. "

by kittylin


Snowglobe: Part Two
"You're the one who donated all of those?" Ria nodded as if to say, of-course-I-did-who-else? Sun blinked before shaking her head. "I can't believe it...but I'm so proud of you Ria!"

by cyborg8000


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Kidnapped Kadoatie - Part Three
Lance guided us to an elevator and we stepped inside. He pushed the button for floor seven and we started to move upwards. In just seconds, the doors swung open and we followed Lance down the carpeted hall...

by playmobil_is_my_life


OMG - Unexpected Event
Where's my dinner....?

by _jakk


Hey, Origami is hard!

by xxstreamfaeriexx

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