Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 142,862,738 Issue: 176 | 4th day of Awakening, Y7
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Cheez and Flames

by nano_cat

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The Spardel That Wasn’t There
This is the end for me! Who knew it’d I go like this! Wha? You’re no Bearog either, you’re a… Spardel? Ohh, pretty, a pink Spardel! Pink, like I am!

by undeadfortune


The Great Gelert Hype: Part One
"You're drifting! You're with me! Unless… you think you can't handle it."

by the_wanderer128


Neopian Food Reviews
I highly doubt you’ve tasted all of these foods, both because of lack of Neopoints and fear of bad taste. So, to be branded honorable Neopians, my friend Ery and I decided to take on the duty of tasting different types of Neopian foods to report back to you if they’re worth buying!

by chocolateisamust


Judgment: Part Three
The quill fell to the desk with a clatter and the light sound of something thwacking the rug could be heard. The sound moved towards one of the larger windows, taking in the sight of the new day, taking it all in, the smells the sounds, all the things that were now forbidden to it.

by orginalcliche

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