Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 91,590,388 Issue: 174 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y7
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Common Sense

by sirussblack

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Lost Legacies: The Amulets - Part Seven
"I found something," his paw clutched at an invisible knob in the wall. "Should I pull?" he asked. Everyone nodded. Trev pulled the knob along with a door open.

by diamond_rox


Sasha's Sketches
Talk about multiple personalities...

by washeh


The Tower Journey: Part Nine
"I'm Toggerneo, I guess I'm working here now." More stares, no noise. "Wow, tough crowd. So, did you hear the one about the Skeith and the Dragonack?"

by neonick19881988


"I love it out here. It's just too bad we couldn't make some sort of profit off of it. I'm not real into Neopoints, as you know, but a girl's gotta eat."

by charmedhorses

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