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The Seventh Annual Neopies

Neopia's favourite awards ceremony is back, and this year the Neopies have more categories than ever! Vote for your favourites and give Neopia your opinion. Prizes are awarded for taking part, so don't miss out. Your vote counts!

Click here to participate in the VIP Raffle at the Closing Gala.

Best New Neopet Colour


Best Site Event

Lyra and the Lost Heirloom
Dragoyle Hunting
Trouble in Brightvale
The Wraith Resurgence

Best News Day

Eliv Thade Takeover
Discovery of Meridell Day
King Roo Day
Darigan Day

Species Specific Wearable

Desert Princess Kyrii
Heroic Blumaroo
Bling Gnorbu
Combatant Elephante

Best New Petpet Colour

King Skarl Erisim
Handsome Horus
King Roo Baby Blu
Princess Terrana Kookith

Best New Avatar

Trudy Avatar
Brain Tree Quest
AC Team Avatars
Fiendish Formations

Best Site Theme

Tis the Season
The Lost Heirloom

Best NC Feature

Legends of Altador
Kaia Quests
Desert Jewel
Haunted Mansion

Best Neopoint Item

Fish Filet Sandwich
Dr. Sloth Lamp
Mutant Wocky Rattle
Bowling Ball of Lost Cities

Best Prize Pool Update

Trudy's Surprise
Apple Bobbing
King Skarl

Best Advent Prize

The Long Road Home
Green Gift Pouch
Wild Snowdrops Foreground
Mr. Sandman

Best Art Revamp

Haunted Mansion
Stocking Stufftacular

Best Neopet Colour

Robot Vandagyre
Steampunk Hissi
Zombie Gnorbu
Marble Chia

Best Mystery Capsule

Retired MME Mystery Capsule
NC Mall 11th Birthday Gemstone Mystery Capsule
Baby Bottle Mystery Capsule
Mummified Retired Mystery Capsule

Best NC Wearable

Rainy Spring Day Background
Luxe Bedroom
White Rose Arch
Pretty in Pink Wig

Best New Character


Best Caption Image

1415 - A Beauty or a Beast?
1410 - A Magical Evening
1406 - Let the Festivities Begin!
1407 - Bubble, Bubble...

Best Advent Animation

Day 2 - Sad Abominable Snowball
Day 7 - Snow Angels
Day 16 - Learning Something New
Day 28 - The Unforgtunate Holiday Ogrin

Let us Never Speak of This Again

Nonexistant NC Items
Release of 11 Stamp Collector Avatars
The 'Plods'
New Feechers

Best Premium Collectible Item

Dreamy Garden Patio Background
Enchanted Pumpkin Patch Background
Doorway to the Ocean Background
Mystically Guided Path Background

Best Neopoint Background

Grey Winter Evening Background
Tree of Petals Background
Home of the Vandagyres Background
The Long Road Home Background

Best NP Wearable

Trudy's Head Wreath
Sparkler Dress
Swanky Denim Jacket
Spoils of Victory
That's All, Folks! Thanks for taking part in the sixth annual Neopies! This year's voting has come to an end. You spoke, and Neopia listened. Try not to go mad with power, please.