Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 135,380,866 Issue: 275 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y9
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The Snowager is an Artist

by rose_cel

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Dribble's Diary
Who's the smarter one here?

by 777lucky_7_gal777


Volcano Run II - A Brief Run-Through
Before we delve deeper into the game strategy, let's take a look at the differences between the two game versions...

by emtz


Hideous Transformation
This could explain how the princes and princesses in "Kiss the Mortog" became mortogs in the first place.

by frost_faerie


Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part Five
"It's worth a shot," she said. She reached over into Sam's pack and retrieved her coin, while Sam pulled his out of his pocket. Together, they put their coins in the holes. A bright light flashed, and when all of them opened their eyes...

by kaylamdal111112

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