Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 195,362,730 Issue: 846 | 2nd day of Storing, Y20
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword puddydog

Week - 672

Interview with a Pop Star
by puddydog
Description: The concept is simple enough- toss a dart at a board of spinning balloons. Pop one and you win. Today I'm here to speak with the proprietor of this new craze, Mr Keith Pop.

Week - 674

Why I'm Boycotting the Day of Celebrating
by puddydog
Description: A protest of a middle Neopet.

Week - 675

Charity Corner Chat
by puddydog
Description: A certain kindly Acara has recently made a big splash with her keen holiday spirit.

Week - 681

Against Draik Eggs
by puddydog
Description: Reasons against and alternatives to eating Draik Eggs.

Week - 683

The Unknown Faerie Princesses: Part 1
by puddydog
Description: An expose that reveals a secret sister of Queen Fyora...

Week - 685

The Unknown Faerie Princesses: Part 2
by puddydog
Description: The truth must be heard, so here it is. The middle sister of the Faerieland royals, and heir to Queen Fyora’s crown is…

Week - 700

Starting Your Neopian Book Club
by puddydog
Description: his article is going to guide you through the infancy of starting your own book club, where you can share your bibliophilic experiences with like-minded Neopians. So why start a local book club? Let me clue you into its benefits.

Week - 721

Countering the Stereotype: The "Vain" Uni
by puddydog
Description: An article arguing for the end of labeling Unis as "Neopia's most vain creatures"

Week - 723

Into the Glade- an Interview with Illusen
by puddydog
Description: An Illusen Day special interview with Meridell's favourite Earth Faerie.

Week - 725

Cumulative Trophies - Seeking the Impossible?
by puddydog
Description: A guide to the most difficult of game trophies

Week - 846

Cumulative Trophies – Conquering the Impossible
by puddydog
Description: The TLDR version of my last article was that these trophies are not impossible to get, even if you’ve only just signed up to Neopets today. They simply require a huge investment of time and dedication, with a smidgen of luck thrown into the mix.

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Just mutant things vol. 7
Who do mutants support on Altador Cup? Some not the team you would imagine...

by jacquelineramrez


Cumulative Trophies – Conquering the Impossible
The TLDR version of my last article was that these trophies are not impossible to get, even if you’ve only just signed up to Neopets today. They simply require a huge investment of time and dedication, with a smidgen of luck thrown into the mix.

by puddydog


Tor & Roberta's Halloween Misadventure:Part Two
About an hour had passed and the sky was completely black. A few wispy clouds floated in the sky, and a full moon’s bright glow had lit the cobblestone paths winding through Neovia. Neopets of all ages dressed head-to-toe in costume bustled the streets in search of tricks and treats.

by coco_chanaynay


The Heart of Spring
The magic of seasons is in more danger than anyone realises...

by ketchup547


Interviews with the Dark Faerie Sisters: Malice
I’m glad you have opened up to the second part of this special installment of interviews. Last time, Spite’s interview was published for the Neopian world to see, which was met with some controversy and fear. I got some letters asking me what the three Dark Faerie Sisters are up to, but I cannot say, nor do I know. Perhaps it is best just to stay cautious, my dear readers.

by xiaolin10413

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