Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 176,283,131 Issue: 350 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y10
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword confiserie

Week - 291

Not All Fun and Games
by confiserie
Description: These brave petpets literally "go the distance" so that King Altador can send messages from the safety of his luxurious home. Has he not heard of neomail? Anyway...

Week - 296

Plan a Trip to the Colosseum
by confiserie
Description: This way, you will have someone to talk with about Yooyuball during and after game day. You can even have a friendly debate about who is going to win (and by friendly, I mean no Battledome weapons).

Week - 299

Boochi: Friend or Fiend?
by confiserie
Description: It would be a very different story if your Gelert was Maraquan or some other expensive color. You could be minding your own business, doing some weekend shopping, and *BAM*...

Week - 305

Dress to Impress
by confiserie
Description: Are you a little confused about dressing up your pet? Do you need some advice on how to complete the perfect outfit? Look no further!

Week - 310

Find Your Perfect Hat!
by confiserie
Description: Have you ever wondered what wearable hat is right for you? Take this quiz right now to find out!

Week - 309

Have a Ball
by confiserie
Description: So the Annual Chocolate Ball is coming up, and I'm guessing all you know about it is that it involves... chocolate?

Week - 325

Top Gift Returns
by confiserie
Description: That gift that inspired an insincere smile is now on its way back to the store...

Week - 332

Find Your Perfect Trinket!
by confiserie
Description: I'm back and ready to help you find your perfect wearable trinket! All you have to do is take this easy personality quiz.

Week - 330

Do You Support Sloth?
by confiserie
Description: Maybe he just wants to cause a ruckus? Whatever the case, you need to decide now if you are for or against him. Take this simple quiz to find out!

Week - 340

Confiserie's Dictionary
by confiserie
Description: Are you new to Neopets and don't have the lingo down yet? Or are you in need of a refresher course? Either way, my dictionary will do the trick.

Week - 350

What Kind of Weewoo Are You?
by confiserie
Description: To celebrate the 350th issue of the Neopian Times, I've created a quiz to help you find out which Weewoo you are.

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Quality Time
Kessy must've raided the cookie jar last night. x_x

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