Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 181,925,343 Issue: 317 | 9th day of Storing, Y9
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword bookworm_kate347

Week - 224

The Kadoatie Katastrophe
by bookworm_kate347
Description: Neoschool had broken up the day before for seven long weeks, and I had a tigersquash for breakfast. Everything was perfect. Until, that is, the door opened and in came my little sister...

Week - 245

The Darkest Faerie's New Job
by bookworm_kate347
Description: Eventually, I decided I had to step in. "As today is such a nice day, we're all going to do something together. Everyone write down where you want to go, and I'll draw it out of a hat."

Week - 284

Becky's Gift
by bookworm_kate347
Description: Becky was a Poogle in a hurry. She raced along the streets of Neopia Central, swivelling her head to glance at shop windows as she passed. It was Mellie’s birthday party, and she had forgotten to buy a present...

Week - 287

by bookworm_kate347
Description: Remember, not all Dark faeries are bad!

Week - 317

Page and the Exams
by bookworm_kate347
Description: As they parted, Page looked after Sammi worriedly. She felt bad, knowing how much the Uni struggled to keep up with class work...

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