The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 183,344,781 Issue: 279 | 16th day of Awakening, Y9
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword ewanspaz

Week - 271

Neopet Lessons: A Guide to the Fullest Experience Possible
by ewanspaz
Description: Here are a few simple lessons that this user learned the hard way. I utter them in the hopes that Newbies may take them to heart and make the Neopets experience all that it can be.

Week - 277

Faellie Follies: Feeling Fruity
by ewanspaz
Description: Guys, it is THREE A.M.

Week - 279

Faellie Follies: Christmas?
by ewanspaz
Description: What is Fickle doing?

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Sweet Valentine Thoughts
I made you a muffin...

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Fluff and Ribbons
"It's not the message that bothers me," replied Rorey grumpily. "It's the way they go about proclaiming that message! Since when does love and cheer have to be pink?"

by laurelinden


The Valentine Miracle
Every time she went to the gift shop, all the Valentines related items were all sold out...

by adprybylski


The Anatomy of Random Events
A breakdown of the randomness of random events.

by sweet_star06


Kryonus: Valentines Day

by icesmith

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