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The Truth Behind The Band: Yes Boy Ice-Cream

by leef

Are you a Yes Boy Ice-cream fan? Have you ever wondered what was behind this fabulous band that has taken Neopia by surprise? Well have I got a treat for you! I have interviewed the leader of Yes Boy Ice-cream and he has told me his story.

A young, red Shoyru walked down the path towards his hut in the Tyrannia Village. He picked up the latest edition of the Neopian Times that was on his doorstep and walked inside. Looking at the cover page, he could see that the Monoceraptor had been beaten by the brave Tyrannian army and a Lupe. He smiled. He had nothing to fear from. The invasion was over. He turned on the television and saw a concert of his favourite band, 2 Gallon Hatz, playing on channel 45. The red Shoyru was starting to sing along when the show was interrupted.

"There will be a celebration feast tonight in 30 minutes. Please come. You will meet the Tyrannian Army and 2 Gallon Hatz willing be playing," an announcer said.

2 Gallon Hatz! If only he could be in a famous band just like them. Calling his two friends, a blue Shoyru and yellow Shoyru, he told them to meet him at the feast with their autograph books. The red Shoyru grabbed his 2 Gallon Hatz cap and ran out the door towards the town center, where the feast was. Faint music drifted towards his ears. 2 Gallon Hatz! Without thinking, he bumped into the yellow and blue Shoyru At the same time, they said did you hear that incredible music? The group dashed toward the center and found themselves surrounded by people screaming and feasting on Blumaroo Steaks and other Tyrannian specialties. The three friends ducked under the crowd and made their way to 2 Gallon Hatz.

"Hey! Have you come for an autograph?" the band said to the Shoyrus. Without thinking the red Shoyru said, "No! I wanted to know how we can become a famous band."

The band looked surprised at the question but the leader answered, "It's easy, just pick an interesting name and sing your heart out."

Before the Shoyrus could answer, they were swept away by the crowd. The red Shoyru was still thinking about what 2 Gallon Hatz said. Could he and his friends become a great band?

His thoughts were interrupted when Sabre-X asked, "Would you like some ice cream?"

"Ice cream?" Ice cream was a rare treat in Tyrannia.

"Yes boy, ice cream," replied Sabre-X.

That's when it all began. Those words hit the red Shoyru as the perfect band name. The rest, is history. The Shoyrus became a fantastic band with their number-one hit song, "Chocolate, Vanilla, I can't decide!" That's it. The famous Yes Boy Ice-cream came to be by a few simple words and some encouragement from a band. Just follow the advice in this story and you too can become famous.

As the red Shoyru said, "Never give up and sing your heart out!"