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Daughter of a Star: Part Two

by shadih_temporary


Just thinking of the situation caused Jane to get migraines. So many questions raced through her mind. Why was Yes Boy Ice Cream at the pound? Better yet, why was Yes Boy Ice Cream at the pound the exact same day Jane had been abandoned and adopted.

      "Wait a second…" Jane said aloud, "it all adds up. "Mum said the pound was empty that day, that she was the only owner who showed up. But if Yes Boy Ice Cream is there on the exact same day that I was abandoned AND adopted… then, that means…"

      There was a moment of silence.

      "…one of the Yes Boy Ice Cream members is my father…" Jane said, softly.

      The house was very quiet… yet, all of a sudden, that silence broke.

      "OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!!! I cannot believe it! Oh my gosh!!" Jane screamed as she hopped up and down around her room, "One of those Yes Boy Ice Cream Shoyrus is my dad!"

      There was a soft knock on Jane's door. Jane spun around and gazed at her door. She gasped when she found it was unlocked. Jane quickly stuffed the picture back under her pillow and placed the magnifying glass on top of her bedside table. She hopped into bed and turned off her lamp. Jane shut her eyes as she pretended to be asleep.

      The door opened slowly, and in walked a drowsy and irritated Cali. She stumbled into the room as she rubbed her eyes.

      "Could you keep it down in hear?" Cali said to Jane.

      Jane opened her eyes and sat up on her bed, "Oh! Cali! It's just you! I thought it was Mum!"

      "Yeah, I really look like her," Cali said, sarcastically.

      "Cali, take a look at this," Jane said, taking the picture out from under her pillow and giving Cali the magnifying glass.

      Cali took the magnifying glass and stared at it as if it were Rainbow Dung, "What do I do with this?"

      Jane held the picture up to Cali's face. She pointed to Yes Boy Ice Cream in the background.

      "Uh… it's a bunch of Shoyrus…" Cali said, turning to leave.

      "No!" Jane said. "Look closely! With the magnifying glass!"

      Cali groaned as she held the magnifying glass up to her eye. She brought the picture closer when suddenly, she gasped.

      "Is that… no, it couldn't be… wait a minute," she gasped again, "is that Yes Boy Ice Cream?!"

      "Well, they've got the shirt, the jacket, the hat, and most importantly: the looks," Jane said, "they seem like Yes Boy Ice Cream to me!"

      "That's nice and all," Cali started, placing the magnifying glass on Jane's bed, "but what's so special about this picture that makes you want to shout out loud in the middle of the night?"

      "The pound was practically empty that day, Mum was said to be the only one who adopted a pet that day," Jane explained.

      Cali scratched her head.

      "Well, Yes Boy Ice Cream wouldn't be just looking around the pound, that day, "Jane continued, "they don't have the time! They're a famous and extremely busy band. And if Mum was the only one who adopted a pet that day, and she was also said to be one of the extremely few Neopians who showed up at the pound that day…"

      Jane left the rest for Cali to decipher, but she still wasn't getting it.

      Jane sighed, "I was abandoned and adopted on the same day. Mum and Yes Boy Ice Cream were the only ones who showed up at the pound that day. If Mum adopted me, who abandoned me?"

      Cali took a minute to ponder, and suddenly, she gasped.

      "You're related to Yes Boy Ice Cream!" she shouted.

      The two brought their faces close to one another and screamed with joy. They hopped onto the bed as they continued to scream, dance, and downright celebrate with all the energy they could possibly produce. Jane hopped off her bed and locked her door. As soon as she did, there was a knock on the door. Jane and Cali stared at each other in shock.

      Jane motioned for Cali to hide in the closet, which she did. Jane practice rubbing her eyes as if she were tired for a few seconds and opened up her door.

      Andrew stood there with a very grumpy expression glued to his face, "What's with all the screaming?!"

      "Oh! It's you! I thought it would be Mum! Get in here!" Jane whispered.

      Andrew arched an eyebrow. Jane grabbed his left arm and forced him into the room, slamming the door behind him.

      "What are you doing?!" Andrew demanded.

      Jane slapped her hand over Andrew's mouth, "Shush! I don't want Mum to wake up!"

      Jane then proceeded to her closet where she threw aside some of her t-shirts and pants. Cali was hiding underneath a pile of clothes in a fetal position.

      "False alarm," Jane said, "it was just Andrew."

      Cali exited the closet and glared at Andrew, "Do you know how uncomfortable that closet is?!"

      "Pfft, like I care," Andrew replied, scornfully.

      Cali started towards Andrew, but Jane stopped her in her tracks.

      "Okay, Jane, you never answered my question," Andrew suddenly said.

      "Okay, I know this might be a little shocking… but… I'm related to Yes Boy Ice Cream!!" Jane shouted, flashing a very large smile.

      Andrew blinked twice, "…this is a girl moment, isn't it?"

      He turned around and headed for the door. Jane flew in front of him and blocked the exit.

      "Wait! I have proof!" she assured.

To be continued…

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» Daughter of a Star: Part One

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