There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,869,658 Issue: 803 | 27th day of Collecting, Y19
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Remember, life is music. Hear the sound of life and you will be happier. Be like a song to other people. Always have a song in your heart.

55 Halloween Costumes for 55 Neopet Species

Jack-o-lanterns are being lit and a plethora of candy is being restocked, this can only mean one thing… Halloween is near! Okay… so honestly, Halloween is still a few days away, but there is never a wrong time to prepare; you wouldn’t want to be caught without a costume the night before, would you? Of course not! Imagine frantically piecing together a ghostly costume out of sheets. That would be so embarrassing, plus you’d ruin your sheets (Neopoints don’t grow on trees you know!) Never fear, with this article, Halloween costume planning will be a breeze.

Korbat Fashion Style Guide

Korbat's are seen as a somewhat horrifying Neopet species by many Neopians. It is easy to understand, they are a pet that celebrate their special day right around the spookiest holiday of them all: Halloween. Not only that, but many of them can be found in the spooky forest of the Haunted Woods. It doesn't help much that they are nocturnal, sleeping all day and only appearing in the dark of night, and they have fangs that are quite sharp and intimidating. Despite all this, or maybe because of it, Korbats are one of the friendliest species you'll ever come across.

History of Halloween

Halloween is based on tradition and lore, a long rich history of spooky fun, so what better way to kick off the festivities than reflect back on what made Neopia’s Halloween what it is today. In this article you’ll find a summary of the spooky fun each year, all the different events and items and other exciting features, that have combined into our favourite holiday as we know it..

Other Stories
"The Ghost, The Witch and The Story" by cheetahzluv990
Grab me that burning potion from the top left shelf, darling?" "This one, right?" Tegan grabbed the potion from Priscilla's hand without taking her eyes off of her spell book. Finally after looking at the spell long enough she looked at the potion. She brought her face close to it, her eyes squinting as she examined it. Priscilla simply floated around her, glancing at Tegan every now and then to see how she was coming along. "And this spell you’re making is going to do what to me now?" She asked, eyeing the bubbling cauldron. It glowed a pastel shade of pink and gave off a faint scent of bubblegum roses. It had a homey feel, which was fairly surprising for one of Tegan’s spells.Usually she concocted up something that was for the greed of another and her own. Those usually gave off a feel that left you cold and empty hearted, as if you were stuck in a rainstorm with no one around to help keep you warm. Priscilla hated those spells the most. She couldn’t stand to be any more cold than she already was. Being a ghost takes away any and all warmth you once had, and having something that made you more cold just left you more empty than you once were. Yet, this spell gave her such a feel that left something odd inside her, as if it were possibly alive once again.

"The Lonely Ghost " by paperjeans
In some ways, Frankie was an average Usul. She had a beautiful, bushy tail perfectly styled into a curl and held together with a shiny, stain bow. She had a furry collar around her neck, which was more than just a fashion statement because it kept her warm. Usuls can get quite chilly, you know. She attended the local School alongside all the other 'Pets in Neopia Central. On the other hand, Frankie was not your average Usul. Her owner had decided this Halloween to paint her Ghost – and before you say it, her owner knew that Ghosts were not just for Halloween, they were for life. However, little did they know that this would make life sometimes difficult for poor Frankie because some of her other classmates did not take the same view. *** It all started in September, Frankie had just enrolled at NeoSchool and back then was just a basic blue Usul.She made friends easily and was a happy, chatty pet and was doing well in all her classes. Her favourite was Restocking as she enjoyed learning about haggling, the different shops and rarities of items and especially liked the talks from older 'Pets who had long left school and made a career out of it. The teacher, Mr. Market (pronounced Mar-kay) was a round Elephante with a shirt that was slightly too small and a wonky tie that was slightly too short, took this class.

"A Night in the Haunted Woods" by atomic_dreamer85
Oh no! You knew you shouldn't have fallen asleep in the woods...the Haunted Woods! You stand up and rub your eyes. It is very dark. Night has fallen. Everyone knows the warning not to stay after sunset. Where am I? You look around, nervous and heart thudding. A pair of eyes glow back at you from the distance. Yellow eyes. "Come out!" you say. The eyes blink and you hear a small cackle. "If you wish", an eerie voice says. A figure steps out from behind the trees. The yellow eyes belong to a cat-like witch, an Acara, in midnight blue robes. She smirks and offers her assistance, introduces herself as Fantor. "You seem lost. I can help." "How do I find my way out?" you ask. "Look down. See the thread of red light? Follow it and it will guide you. Beware of what you find along the way!" You start to ask where the red thread came from, but Fantor disappears before your eyes. Shrugging your shoulders, not surprised anymore at what happens in this place, you take your first step and begin your journey out of the Haunted Woods.You walk for a while, somehow avoiding danger, so you stop to rest at an old tree. The thread of red light snakes off into the distance. How much further does it go? Suddenly, you hear a loud growl. A beastly blob reaches for you! It’s Esophagor! You run like a scared Meerca, making sure to follow the red thread of light through the trees.

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