A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,869,658 Issue: 803 | 27th day of Collecting, Y19
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New Series

The Magical Transporter

Calleigh walked through the forest together with her Neopets. She liked it here, since the trees covered the paths with shadows and Pteri’s were making sounds in the trees. Many Neopets lived here happily together.

by hallie035
Defenders of Neopia - Where They've Been

A lonely chia was falling through the clouds. He glanced around at all the mountains rushing up to greet him. He had been falling for as long as he could remember...

by grimmbones7
A Night in the Haunted Woods

Oh no! You knew you shouldn't have fallen asleep in the woods...the Haunted Woods! You stand up and rub your eyes. It is very dark. Night has fallen. Everyone knows the warning not to stay after sunset. Where am I?

Also by jena92

by atomic_dreamer85


When Avery Larkin, a headstrong and adventurous young girl, moves with her family to the 154-year-old Meridellian estate, Ballindalloch, she becomes at once entranced and embroiled with the past. On a quest to learn more about the house's original family, Avery sets in motion a series of extraordinary encounters, both horrifying and edifying, and discovers the past may not be as distant as she once believed..

by dewdropzz
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"The Ghost, The Witch and The Story" by cheetahzluv990
Grab me that burning potion from the top left shelf, darling?" "This one, right?" Tegan grabbed the potion from Priscilla's hand without taking her eyes off of her spell book. Finally after looking at the spell long enough she looked at the potion. She brought her face close to it, her eyes squinting as she examined it. Priscilla simply floated around her, glancing at Tegan every now and then to see how she was coming along. "And this spell you’re making is going to do what to me now?" She asked, eyeing the bubbling cauldron. It glowed a pastel shade of pink and gave off a faint scent of bubblegum roses. It had a homey feel, which was fairly surprising for one of Tegan’s spells.Usually she concocted up something that was for the greed of another and her own. Those usually gave off a feel that left you cold and empty hearted, as if you were stuck in a rainstorm with no one around to help keep you warm. Priscilla hated those spells the most. She couldn’t stand to be any more cold than she already was. Being a ghost takes away any and all warmth you once had, and having something that made you more cold just left you more empty than you once were. Yet, this spell gave her such a feel that left something odd inside her, as if it were possibly alive once again.

Other Stories


Ylana Skyfire Saves Halloween
Ylana Skyfire stalked down the streets of Neopia Central, blaster at the ready. “That stupid Alien Aisha is going to pay for making me come all the way to this backwater planet,”

by cosmicfire918


The centrifuge whirred softly in the background as the Hissi stood behind another counter, distilling a potion of morbid purple. This experiment was the toughest one yet...

by rurirawr


Halloween In The Haunted Woods
For most of Neopia, Halloween is a fun holiday of trick-or-treating, costume parties, and getting in touch with your scary side. But in the Haunted Woods its Halloween all the time!

by pikachu315111


Introducing a 5th Neopet to the family
On the 19th day of Collecting, Y19, the world of Neopia was gifted with a splendid new opportunity; being able to add a fifth pet to our already existing families

by krn55


A Spooky Halloween, pt 2
Claw tells a tale.

by ghostkomorichu


An Unlikely Friendship
Let's be FRIENDS!

by yuuseifudo

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