A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 193,302,509 Issue: 682 | 21st day of Hunting, Y17
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Well," Purrow figured, "I guess I'll just have to make my own way now."

"Hardest" Game Avatars

There are countless avatars for the different flash games. Some of them are pretty easy, while other game avatars feel harder than diamond. Looking at it from the eyes of a someone who spends more time playing games than sleeping or studying, these are the five hardest avatars to win...

Perfect Paintbrushes

One simple item can show the world how fashion-forward you are AND give others a clue as to what Neopian land is your absolute favorite. That item is a paintbrush. Using this very handy article to help select your paintbrush color will help you attain that gorgeous shade you've always wanted....

Best of NC Mall Collectibles

The NC Collectibles Series is the cherry on top, as it offers specific, limited edition, highly in demand items that have been worn by some of Neopia's elite. In this article, Honeybee54321 & DarkObsession will shed light on some of the best & most creative items of the series (some of them are really shiny too...)

Other Stories
"My Saturday" by rat_spirit
I spend my Saturday mornings alone, in a family-owned diner in Neopia Central. I sit in a booth in the corner, where I have a good view of all the diner's visitors. And I like to just sit there and think, and watch. So that's exactly what...

"The Pool" by 43456
"Oh, look!" Kay said, excitedly pointing at a Haunted Woods vacation brochure. "Our vacation house has a pool!" Laughter was coming from the front side of the wagon, where their older brother Elijah was sitting, to guide the riding Uni. "A pool?"

"Pros and Cons" by aifricr
Rhamory's owner had a cold. 'I'll have to go to the Healing Springs,' she said. He was eating breakfast and she was still in her dressing gown, holding a cup of tea and sniffling. 'All the way to Faerieland?' he asked. 'Don't talk with your mouth full...'

Get Ready To Rumble!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Altador Cup X
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The Perfect Paintbrushes for Any Land in Neopia
There are two things that everybody likes: being fashionable, and having pride in where you come from.

by thesevenwonders


Stocks 101
Invest your happiness and well-being to (eventually) be as successful as Nigel.

by irasshai


Alien Aishas and their cuisine aren't necessarily weird... their TASTEBUDS are!

by qwirka


Beating Gadgadsgame (without eating the fruit)
Gadgadsgame is 100% the best game that you'll find on Mystery Island (sorry, Goparokko fans).

by asparagation


Kleptomaniacs Anonymous- Part 4
Bilgewater. Best two out of three?

by caylista

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