Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 192,422,854 Issue: 647 | 30th day of Hunting, Y16
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"A leader must have both wisdom and a sense of responsibility..."

Finding Your Niche

It can be an adventure to find your own place on the site. With so many options to choose from, one can spend hours, and even days, on Neopets! However, for some users, sometimes discovering your strengths and passions can be quite difficult. If you are one of those users, hopefully this guide can help you find what speaks to you...

Celebrate Fyora Day

She has been a part of major Neopian history, from the rise and fall of the Darkest Faerie to the crash of Faerieland. As such, it should be no surprise to anyone that she has her own holiday. Well, if you're wondering how to celebrate Fyora Day, you have come to the right place! In honor of our charismatic queen, we have taken the liberty of...

Fine Neopian Dining: Shenkuu

Fortunately, you need not travel all over Shenkuu to get the full food spectrum, as many chefs from all over the land have set up businesses in the sprawling Imperial City. A commercial hub also known as the City of Ten Thousand Shops, you can find nearly anything there, whether it be merchants plying their wares, Neopets offering services from acupuncture to fortune-telling, or some of the finest eateries on the far side of Neopia...

Other Stories
"Oopsy-Daisy! Talking Crazy!" by momr1
He shouted, "I want to go! I want to go! He can't be far, he moves too slow!" With that he clapped both paws over his mouth and his little Kacheek shoulders drooped dejectedly. Sammy looked at him in bewilderment. "What's the matter with you anyway? How come you're talking like that?"

"Faerie Wings II: Rosia's Revenge" by downrightdude
"Sisters, we must find a way to escape," Velma sighed, shrugging her shoulders. The Dark faerie turned to face her siblings, who were all frowning and looking around their lavender-white surroundings. Ever since the four sisters had been imprisoned by Fyora...

"Unbuyable" by fairyxhearts
It was that time of year again. The Reject sighed inwardly. She didn't need her one attached eye to know what day it was. Laughter rang out all around her, loud and lively, and echoed off the curved stone walls. The Hidden Tower was thrumming with an energy unique to a certain day...

Won't You Help?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Faerie Quests
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Great stories!


Mauwee and The Mysterious Egg Part 6
He tried dropping it in the Fishing Vortex...

by reantimate


Rainbow Pool Gargoyles
They're here to stay forever...

Also by fooshfuush

by l_like_animals


The Gourmand's Guide to Fine Neopian Dining: Shenkuu
With its ancient history and rich cultural traditions, this awe-inspiring land of mountains and mist, philosophers and fancy robes has a plethora of regional culinary specialties to pick and choose from.

by cosmicfire918


The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Eight
The Silver Kazeriu finally appeared in the distance. The ramp was still lowered and Arwman was watching from it. Upon seeing Marcilli and Elrique, he began to bark orders at the crew to lower the sails.

by crazy_4_sushi


Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Five
"No, I'm not," the child called Setarian shouted, "and you'll see. One day, I'll be in the army. Then we'll see who's trash."

by parody_ham

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