A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 190,737,160 Issue: 584 | 1st day of Running, Y15
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

My chocolate color was as rich as ever, and my whipped cream wings looked particularly fluffy today. Some days, it's good being a Candychan. What other being is this good looking?

The Mysterious Obelisk

Dubbed by Neopians as 'The Mysterious Obelisk', this strange spire appeared in the outskirts of Tyrannia after a series of earthquakes shook the world on the eleventh day of Awakening. But what is this strange obelisk? What does it do, and why has it suddenly appeared on the outskirts of Tyrannia? Speculation is rife, and several groups have...

Mysteries of Neopia

Good day, fellow Neopians. As most of you know, there are many mysteries to Neopia, including some issues that should be well known, but are ignored by the public eye. Today, I – Terroryse, Faerie Krawk – and my faithful Reptillior, Nagini, shall aim to highlight the more absurd of these questions in the hope an answer can be found...

Vacation Destinations

With winter now sending cold winds our way, many Neopians are scrambling to find fun places to go thaw out in. For those of you who are still unsure of where you can go to get away from the chilly winds, the Committee of Awesome Vacation Spots Planners has compiled a list of... wait for it... awesome vacation spots!

Other Stories
"Madeleine" by faerierainbow3
She ordered two strawberry sponges, the sort you sold off as shortcake (it was a common baker's common lie, to the population), and her voice – it was homemade whipped cream, dollops of it, soft and fluffy and sweet. Her laugh was the sound a spoon makes when one taps the burnt sugar glaze on crème brulée: melodious, bright, clear...

"The Warning of the Thief Lord: Caveat Emptor" by torkie10
Draconis stood with his back to his guest, his wings spread out as he looked down at Meridell with disapproval. The land was dark yet uneasy; he could see pinpricks of light that betrayed the movements of patrols of the Knights of Meridell through the countryside. "...So. The Thieves' Guild has mobilized to take control of the obelisk..."

"My First Time On a Plot" by peronalodis
"Hey, everyone, come look at this!" Peronalodis -- or Perona, as she demanded to be called -- shouted from the living room. When she didn't hear a response, she shouted again, "GET YOUR FUZZY TAILS IN HERE, PEOPLE!" The pet owner smiled with satisfaction as her groggy, tired pets slowly made their way into the room, grumbling unintelligibly...

Spiffing Things Up

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Overboard: Part Seven
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Greedy Cheese
Another comic brought to you by the Petpet Protection League.

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Sword Fighting
"I'm not a guard, Brynn. I don't need to learn how to use those silly steel things!"

by melina322


Everyone Loves the Undead: Part Two
"I've been working for some time on perfecting the vampire curse," he announced, pointing to some calculations on chemical properties that he had written down.

by herdygerdy

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