White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 190,737,160 Issue: 584 | 1st day of Running, Y15
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Eight Ways to Remember Sloth

How could people be so cruel and forget Dr. Sloth, the evil genius, so easily?

by codswobble
A Complex Guide To The Wheel of Misfortune

This Wheel is in the Deserted Fairground, and the person who operates it is a tall and mysterious Gelert...

by hydro_thunder001
Mysteries of Neopia

Today, I – Terroryse, Faerie Krawk – and my faithful Reptillior, Nagini, shall aim to highlight the more absurd of these questions in the hope an answer can be found.

by shaded_arceus
Growing Up (and Old) With Neopets: A Personal Experience

A long, long, long time ago, during Summer break of 2000, a friend of mine told me about a fun and magical site called Neopets where you could create pets, feed, and play with them.

by raindoggie
Desirable Vacation Destinations

The Committee of Awesome Vacation Spots Planners has compiled a list of... wait for it... awesome vacation spots!

by kspare2
Neopound Chat and Trading

Understand pet trading and what offers you should consider on your pet.

by lovelylittledreamer
Success Has Two Cs: A Guide to Imperial Exam

As simple as the Imperial Exam may be in gameplay, it is still a very challenging game. No matter how many times you have spelled out these words before, you can still find yourself losing very early on in the game.

by coco_bella
Eating Vegan in Neopia

You wouldn't catch a vegan eating a Blumaroo Tail Salad Extravaganza, or even a free Omelette. "So what do they eat?!" I hear you cry.

by ratty170170
The Mysterious Obelisk: Theories

Dubbed by Neopians as 'The Mysterious Obelisk', this strange spire appeared in the outskirts of Tyrannia after a series of earthquakes shook the world on the eleventh day of Awakening. But what is this strange obelisk?

by fantasyeyesuk
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"My First Time On a Plot" by peronalodis
"Hey, everyone, come look at this!" Peronalodis -- or Perona, as she demanded to be called -- shouted from the living room. When she didn't hear a response, she shouted again, "GET YOUR FUZZY TAILS IN HERE, PEOPLE!" The pet owner smiled with satisfaction as her groggy, tired pets slowly made their way into the room, grumbling unintelligibly...

Other Stories


Memoirs of the Fallen: The Accidental Villain
The teachers there were used to screaming infants, moody teenagers and little children afraid to leave the safety of their owners. What they weren't used to was seeing nearly fifty robotic neopets...

by zoey_271996


Her name was Madeleine, for the cake.

by faerierainbow3


The Mysteries of Mr. Cuddles: Part Four
Katrina didn't know how long she knelt there in the cold, the foul mud of the Haunted Woods soaking through the legs of her pants. She didn't want to get up. She didn't want to have to decide what to do next.

by saphira_27


Overboard: Part Seven
"How can I get another pet, Thalia? Xepen was like a daughter to me; I know she's out there somewhere, I can feel it. I'll find her!"

by allison_kitty11


So Says the Slorg!!
Neopia, where anything and everything is considered normal.

by supercheezee


Skeith Virtus - Gluttony

written by acexcat13

by fat_skeiths

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