The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 190,737,160 Issue: 584 | 1st day of Running, Y15
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New Series

Life, Death, Friendship: Part One

Even the Meepit trio didn't bring cheer to him. They tried to whenever they saw him, but to no avail...

by sara_midnight_24
A Candychan Plot: Part One

Some days, it's good being a Candychan. What other being is this good looking?

by twocents
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"The Warning of the Thief Lord: Caveat Emptor" by torkie10
Draconis stood with his back to his guest, his wings spread out as he looked down at Meridell with disapproval. The land was dark yet uneasy; he could see pinpricks of light that betrayed the movements of patrols of the Knights of Meridell through the countryside. "...So. The Thieves' Guild has mobilized to take control of the obelisk..."

Other Stories


My First Time On a Plot
Dear neopets: Never trust your owners. They can easily forget their promises.

by peronalodis


Sword Fighting
"I'm not a guard, Brynn. I don't need to learn how to use those silly steel things!"

by melina322


Success Has Two Cs: A Guide to Imperial Exam
As simple as the Imperial Exam may be in gameplay, it is still a very challenging game. No matter how many times you have spelled out these words before, you can still find yourself losing very early on in the game.

by coco_bella


Neopound Chat and Trading
Understand pet trading and what offers you should consider on your pet.

by lovelylittledreamer


Greedy Cheese
Another comic brought to you by the Petpet Protection League.

Idea by bulletmarsh

by sunarel


Neopoints on the Floor
Oh dear, someone should be more careful!

by aruanahansel

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