Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 184,867,939 Issue: 489 | 8th day of Eating, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The Lever of Doom is like the Chocolate Factory of the Virtupets Space Station. No one goes in, no one comes out, but neopoints are taken at an alarming rate.

Cheerful for Grey Day

Each and every Neopet has the right to be filled with pride, joy and excitement upon the arrival of their celebratory day. In order to help our beloved Grey citizens celebrate their special day with the sense of fun and elation every Neopet deserves, I have tracked down some of the happiest items in all of Neopia. When presented with these symbols of joy and cheer, it is impossible for even the greyest of souls to prevent a grin from appearing...

Magical Healing Slorgs

During the panic and mayhem, an interesting topic came up: the healing properties of slorgs. In the confusion many cures were tested to try and shift the Scourgies. Some were proven to be successful, if only temporarily. Soup, goop and splints were just some of the cures that were attempted that for a short while shifted the barnacles that plagued Neopets. But as the day went on, one cure was proving to be more popular...

More Backgrounds on a Budget

I felt a strange need to continue the work I started. My job isn't done; there are many more alternative background options I can explore for those who don't want to spend a fortune to make their pet look beautiful. So I sat myself back down, browsed shops, and compiled a second article, featuring five additional background options for those of us who can't afford to break the bank, but still want our pets to be the best-dressed...

Other Stories
"When Snorkles Fly" by charmedhorses
The poor little snorkle, who had been saving his allowance for weeks, looked like he had gone to Mystery Island and come back with the worst sunburn of his life. His new wings looked wilted like day old lettuce, and hung at an awkward angle, almost as if they had been clipped on. He stood at the mirror, slightly dejected, but reminded himself – at least he even had wings! So Mork stuck his chest out grandly and turned to the faerie. "How do I fly?"

"Confessions Of A Musically Inclined Hissi" by pandora
I remember the day with perfect clarity. I was in my later years of Neoschool, a slimy slip of a Hissi with starry, shimmering scales and bright, golden eyes. I was new to the school in Neopia Central, but I was a brave, spiny thing who slithered onto the stage with startling confidence, my head held up high. "My name is Melody," I hummed. "And I will be singing Dream by Ursa and the Usukis." It all went downhill from there...

"Can You See the Rainbow?" by roboticc
The Acara had never seen a rainbow. Everything about the Acara was painfully grey. His fur was a pale silver; his ears drooped forward and his eyes were dark. The suit he wore was a drab shade of grey, his pale shoes polished to a shine. Every day he walked the grey stone path with his black brief case in his hand, disappearing into a dull office to reemerge several hours later. Then he would return home and pluck an apple that had lost its color from the tree...

Have You Tried The Faerie Sparklecake?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Gourmet Club
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Name and All: Part Two
"I'm gonna start over with a better name, and better named pets."

by bluecloud300


Shades and Hues 17
Shattered Purity Arc; Part 13/15

by mstr_dark


How Punny!
And yourself?

Idea by bowlofpho

by lilyed


More Backgrounds on a Budget
My job isn't done; there are many more alternative background options I can explore for those who don't want to spend a fortune to make their pet look beautiful.

by lutari_lover_555


Any Job Will Do - Part 07
It's called a KILT!

by crainwater

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