Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 171,460,618 Issue: 396 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

What if she had finally fallen asleep, and it was all just a dream? She slapped herself and a wide smile spread across her face like a ray of sunshine. In dreams, you never remembered to slap yourself.

Does Species Matter?

Ever since the Pound got renovated, I can't even count on all my fingers and toes the articles that have been written about it. We've got pieces about the pros and cons of the Pound, why not to pound your Neopet, how to console a pounded Neopet's sibling, whether a name affected the pounding risks of a Neopet, etc. Yet what I was interested in was whether the species played a role in...

Techo Super-fan

With his infectious enthusiasm that causes others to overuse caps and exclamation points, there is no doubt that the Super-fan is the biggest, the loudest, and the most enthusiastic about the Cup! But a question looms behind the Techo's screaming cheers: Which team is he really cheering for? Is it Krawk Island? Shenkuu? Darigan Citadel? No, no, and NO! The most shocking answer is...

Bottled Faeries- Immoral?

Thousands of Faeries are captured each year and the authorities do not consider it to be a problem. People even buy shares in this immoral company. To gain an insight into what these glass jails must feel like, we organised an experiment with five enthusiastic neopet volunteers. To ensure our volunteers got the most realistic experience from this experiment, it was closely monitored...

Other Stories
"The Karate Master's Belt" by neoknuckles
"YAH!! Hi-yah!" A class of about fifteen pets were lined up in perfect rows and columns, practicing their basic moves under a Neopia Central Karate Studio. They were kicking, punching, twisting, and chopping in the air, as if doing some kind of dance...

"Slippery Soup" by black_skull725
He handed me a lavender colored envelope. That could mean only one thing. The message was directly from Fyora, the Queen of the Faeries and the Western Skies. I sighed and looked at the neomail. "More work for me," I whispered to myself...

"Invisible" by laura_leigh23444
"Only you, Myosotis, would be curious about an invisible horror in the Haunted Woods," her owner said, grinning but serious, shaking her head. The pair continued walking, leaving the seemingly empty Fairgrounds behind. The invisible pet watched...

Arrrr You Feeling Lucky?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Black Pawkeet Slots
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Great stories!


Faeries: Before the Fame - Part Three
"What's wrong, Sleeper? Didn't you get enough sleep in class?" taunted the Air Faerie.

by a_greenparrot


The Broken Soul: Promises and War - Part Two
He couldn't escape Cove Macduff: his former self, the once-upon-a-time king.

by ayame_23


Roomies 4: Part Four
"You're afraid of taking this Remember-whatever potion, aren't you?"

by vanessa1357924680


Neoquest Madness
The enemies of NeoQuest 1 shall be hard...

Art by cevierakasky

by eletrostatic


Sketchy Ideas #2: Immune to Royalty
Be royal all you like. That doesn't prevent - *BZZT* Erm... technical difficulties?

by kitsukiri

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