Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 171,460,618 Issue: 396 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y11
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New Series

Slippery Soup: Part One

What could Fyora possibly want that was so urgent? Was I in trouble?

by black_skull725
Snowfall's Solstice: Part One

I shook my head, not liking where this was going. "I didn't cheat, Mrs. Kiran. I studied, too. And why do you think we cheated?"

by soupfaerie_best
400 Steps in the Darkness: Part One

"Well, I was thinking of writing about..." I trailed off. Truth was that I had not come up with any decent ideas yet.

by iloenchen
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"Slippery Soup" by black_skull725
He handed me a lavender colored envelope. That could mean only one thing. The message was directly from Fyora, the Queen of the Faeries and the Western Skies. I sighed and looked at the neomail. "More work for me," I whispered to myself...

Other Stories


Jumping to Conclusions
Nimmos and Quiggles are quite alike... well, maybe not.

by mint_green_


Since in the past week Julie had "borrowed" Amber's literature paper and hadn't given it back, I was a little hesitant...

by aragornrocks500


Altadorian Advice
Play in your team's default position!

by maraqua_royal


Korbat's Lab: A Strategic Guide
Your aim is to break all of Dr. Sloth's boxes as they contain ingredients for some evil potions.

by spin_me


I still can't find my scythe!

by ghostkomorichu


About That - Fight!
One mad Shoyru, indeed.

by rikyri

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